Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Just Around the Corner

My day started earlier than most days, rising well before the sun even poked his head out and said hello. It was to see a friend off who is part of the Ireland Program we're in and she stayed the night due to the early day. Jill took her to the airport, along with a few other friends, and saw them off. Strange that in less than a week we will be flying to Dublin Ireland for an epic journey.

Over the last few days we have laid our ducks in a row and prepared for the trip - from paying bills early to getting new equipment. I must say it feels good knowing when we leave things will be okay.

But it does take a toll on one's emotions. The highs and lows have been tremendous as we anxiously await the day we leave. To call it any ONE emotion would be too simplistic, instead having a barrage of them coursing through me. Like an adrenaline rush without the drug.

While we thought it would take forever has finally come down to the long stretch. I plan on testing my new equipment out before we leave, maybe I will post a picture or two.


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