Sunday, March 7, 2010

It's All in a Name

I used to walk a lot. I'd go on these walks that would take me from the north side of my hometown into the downtown districts. I'd walk east towards the plains, head south and then wrap it up with a loop back home. I'd be gone for hours at times, just whistling and thinking.

Except back then it was about where I was going to end up, and today it's more about what does my future hold. But mostly the walks help with sorting ideas, memories and information, giving me that chance at a mental recital. Which brings me to why I named this blog The Great Walk.

As I began the second stage of my life ten years ago by getting married to Jill, I had in essence began a new walk. I had finished walking alone and now had someone walking beside me as we journeyed through this stage of our lives. More over, we all go on a great walk in life, and we begin it at birth, walking through different stages of our progression.

Sometimes those progressions are hard and dark, other times they may be light and easy, but it is the experiences from these walks that grant us insight, knowledge and hopefully happiness.

In the truest sense I began this walk many years ago, the day I opened that aforementioned book - Celtic Magic - that I started down a spiritual path that would have me recollecting on every choice I had made. It would show me how connected we all are, yet how distinct each one of us is, and in a perfect world we would all get along.

So it is this that I have named this blog An Siúl Mór, The Great Walk, for it is that which I have been on for sometime. In the coming weeks I will begin posting material here from a portion of that Great Walk - in Ireland - and hopefully share the adventures and experiences I have there.

Slán abhaile!